Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kevin is Special

Goodbye Toby (Season 4, Episode 13) & Weight Loss (Season 5, Episode 1)

Dwight Schrute

Holly Flax (and Kevin Malone by proxy)

Good ole’ Toby Flenderson is on his way out of Dunder Mifflin. Michael is ecstatic but is also apprehensive of his replacement Holly; thinking she will be much of the same. Michael and Dwight look on and agree that some good old-fashioned hazing is in the books for the new HR rep. Though Michael is too blindsided by love at first see of his ears to remember to haze, Dwight wastes no time. In the midst of introducing Holly to the accounting department, he mentions that Kevin is there on a special work program, because he is “special.”

Holly introduces herself to Kevin and asks what he does. He replies that he does the numbers and then offers her an M&M. Holly declines, but that doesn’t stop Kevin from explaining why he keeps them on his part of the desk. Later, Kevin can’t decide what he wants from the vending machine between pretzels and chips. Holly helpfully and gently helps him decide that he can get anything on the top row. Kevin believes he is going to bang Holly, because she is cute, helpful and really seems into him. During the party, after Phyllis asks Kevin to go to the store, Holly notes that Kevin drives his own car, also mentioning she has one too. Before leaving, Holly says how proud she is of him. He smiles suggestively at the camera. At the end of the night, when Michael misses the hints of Holly asking him to go eat, Kevin goes in his stead (to eat pie). At least she buckles him in the car. By the time the big weight loss competition get’s going, Kevin almost does the math faster than everyone else in stating that when Pam got off the scale it dropped 226 lbs. He was off by a little, but Holly was there to congratulate (after all, math is hard). Unfortunately, this all comes to a head when Angela starts berating Kevin for a clerical error he made. When Holly comes to Kevin’s defense, the truth about his mental condition comes out and, needless to say, Holly is a little embarrassed and walks away to seclusion.

7 -Despite the nature of this one, Dwight must have analyzed and rationalized the scenario. He figured out that Kevin’s mannerisms are somewhat “special” and also knew that a gentle soul like Holly would handle it so delicately that it would continue to play out. What a great job by Dwight…that is, if it just wasn’t so damn wrong. Not to mention, Dwight never has to fess up to anything.

Length Taken
10 - Poor Kevin. What is worse, him having everyone thinking he is special-needs, or the fact that he mistakes this as attraction and a sure-fire sign of banging.

"Special" Awards
I‘d be Crying if I Wasn‘t Laughing Award - Easily the most depressing prank ever pulled
Going the Distance Award - This might be the longest developing/lasting prank since Jim put quarters in Dwight’s phone. How long could have this gone on?
You’re Not Helping Award - Come on, Phyllis. He knows he has to take off his shoes, don’t reinforce things.

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